How many first aiders are required in the workplace?

The number of first-aiders you will require on site should be determined by the outcome of your first-aid needs assessment.

The regulations clearly put the responsibility on the duty holder or employer to identify how many first-aiders are required to provide immediate attention to your employees in the event of injury or sudden illness at work. 

The HSE identifies four key factors that need to be considered in the first aid needs assessment to help determine the number of first aiders required on site in your work environment. They are. 

  • The degree of hazard present in your work activities and unique working environment 

  • The number of employees in your organisation 

  • Any injuries and illnesses that have occurred previously in your workplace 

  • Any additional factors that may impact first aid provision e.g. employees working remotely 

For more information, read our guide about how you can be compliant with first aid regulations with our Complete Guide to First Aid at Work.